I started the process by working out a list of animals, this is what I came up with:
A - Aardvark N - Nightingale
B - Bear O - Owl
C - Cat P - Peacock
D - Donkey Q - Quail
E - Elephant R - Rabbit
F - Flamingo S - Squirrel
G - Giraffe T - Tortoise
H - Hedgehog U - Umbrella Bird
I - Iguana V - Vulture
J - Jellyfish W - Whale
K - Kangaroo X - X-Ray Tetras
L - Lemur Y - Yak
M - Magpies Z - ZebraB - Bear O - Owl
C - Cat P - Peacock
D - Donkey Q - Quail
E - Elephant R - Rabbit
F - Flamingo S - Squirrel
G - Giraffe T - Tortoise
H - Hedgehog U - Umbrella Bird
I - Iguana V - Vulture
J - Jellyfish W - Whale
K - Kangaroo X - X-Ray Tetras
L - Lemur Y - Yak
I ended up with a pile of illustrations.
So in the progress of getting the pictures finished, I started looking at typefaces and at first I tried this.
However it didn't have the right feel, so I ended up tracing around a typeface, to make it more hand drawn and friendly.
During this process, I decided to start screen printing again. I thought the elephant and the whale would make good three colour prints. The first print I made was the whale, but as I was using an old screen, you could see ghosts from previous prints, so I ended up buying a new screen.
The new screen helped and the whale looks a lot better Next up was the elephant, but I decided to be a bit more playful with colour of the elephant.
Now my room is surrounded with cute animals. Next step is to sort out the layout........